Stop asking exes to be your friend

Stop asking exes to be your friend Yesterday an ex lover got in touch. It was memorable for all the wrong reasons. Quick, hair line trigger of a penis, selfish, fell asleep straight away, brought me whack snacks. Be warned, snacks are a running theme in my relationships. Every few years he reaches out and […]

7 Reasons Why Dating is Dead

Dating id Dead

A recent conversation with a friend struggling to date highlighted something that I’d suspected for a long time. The reality is that dating is dead. It used to be a whole industry of gifts and films and restaurants and Valentine’s Day but then the internet and covid came in and has wiped that sucker out. […]

Facebook faux pas – tortoise and hare

So this is a conversation with a friend. I can’t lie. I’m starting to think they are the normal ones. But to be fair I was mainly just irritated by his pace in response. I mean quite honestly do they think we have nothing better to do than to wait 10 minutes for a response? […]

facebook faux pas part 2

Just so you all know that I’m not making up my frivolous facebook chats. I realise that it highlights my anxieties as well as his inability to realise that he was winding me up. I almost didn’t post this but, hey ho….Enjoy! A year ago HIM: hi chelsea what do you look like? ME: random […]

Facebook flirtations and Faux pas

F is for Facebook flirtation Faux pas So here is the thing about flirting on Facebook – It makes people brave but can also expose a lot about them. It makes some incredibly lazy as they reckon they can opt in and out of flirtations at a whim. They just stop calling but in a […]

Dear FuHu

A-Sexy F is for FuHu Dear FuHu, Hi. It’s me again. I don’t know where to begin. I know I keep writing and you don’t answer but I think it’s important we keep the lines of communication open. After all you are my Future Husband and if I can’t chat incessantly at you then who […]

Fight for this love?

F is for Fight for this love. I just responded to a tweet about why a woman who was hit by a man says she deserves it. Deserve a beat down? I can’t think of a reason why. Now normally I’m really clear on this issue. No man should ever hit a woman. I don’t […]

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