Just so you all know that I’m not making up my frivolous facebook chats. I realise that it highlights my anxieties as well as his inability to realise that he was winding me up. I almost didn’t post this but, hey ho….Enjoy!
A year ago
HIM: hi chelsea what do you look like?
ME: random question from someone who also doesn’t have photos up?
HIM: i know that!! but i would like see how look send me a photo of you?
ME: Ok I’m not being difficult but we have never spoken. Why would I send a photo of myself to a stranger? This is quite irregular.
A year later
HIM: is that pic you with your hand on your head
ME: No. No photos of me at all
2 Days later
HIM: (in response to a moany update about work from me) Ok I hope everything at work works out for you stay bless
HIM: What kind of work do you do?
ME: Projects mainly. No job as such
HIM: Ok! would it be ok if we can talk on the phone sometimes
ME: what for?
HIM: I like to get to no you if that ok
ME: know me? Thanks dear but I don’t really get to “know” people through social media
HIM: Why that?
ME: It’s just a policy I have. I’ve done it before to no avail. But like I say thanks for reaching out
HIM: Their alway a first time for something new
HIM: You coming like a nice woman
HIM: You never no we can become good friends
ME: I am nice but that doesn’t mean I want to get to know you better.
HIM: That true!
HIM: If I send my number would I here from you
HIM: You never no you might end up liking me lol
HIM: I hope I’m not been to forward
ME: No. I can’t. Your spelling is driving me crazy
Me: are you doing it on purpose?
After a silence
HIM: Your giving me joke
ME: OMG stop spelling everything incorrectly. It’s too much
HIM: Sirry
HIM: I mean to say sorry
ME: hmmmm am I being punked?
HIM: Lol
HIM: May be I should to talk you on the phone then
ME: No, I know enough dear.
HIM: Like what?
ME: Your spelling drives me crazy. And you’re persistent. I can’t. I’m neurotic about writing.
HIM: It’s this iPhone
ME: No these are grammatical errors. Their instead of there, Your instead of you’re etc. I can’t
HIM: What wrong in me being a bit persistent
ME: Just premature based on one day of interaction
HIM: We need more than one day to get to no someone
ME: KNOW!!! not NO!. OMG.
HIM: I’m say it short that all
ME: Don’t. It isn’t right. OK I’m going to do something else.
HIM: Like what?
ME: Talk to someone whose grammar isn’t giving me anxiety attacks
HIM: I must be giving you some joke
ME: No you really aren’t.
HIM: I talk to you tomorrow if that ok
Long silence from me
HIM: Don’t want to talk me again lol good night
ME: night
HIM: So we talk later?
ME: no
HIM: Why not?
ME: What for? I told you no and you’re still trying it.
HIM: I just have a feeling your a good lady
ME: you’re! see what I mean?
HIM: I’m just saying that all you don’t have to look to deep in to it.
Runs off to scream into the Chelsea Moon. I can’t do it.
© Chelsea Black
twitter? doh. meant facebook
which kinda begs the question, why are you connected to these ppl on twitter, clear them out……
This is just classic. Your life should be hitting the big screen soon Chelsea.Or should that be ‘You’re life’. Haha. I’m just trying to give you joke!
You yourself know that when I make a mistake I’m quick to own it and text it back. This has really become my pet peeve. Such is the joys of having so many friends you haven’t vetted.