5 Ways to Just Sex

Chatting to a guy t’other day and he described wanting Love and Sex as two different, distinct things. And that makes sense? Sometimes you don’t want a whole emotional relationship; you just want to get off and get on with your life. You’re busy. You’ve got things to do but, that porn is getting yawnsome […]
Sex Toys by Star Sign?

Sex Toys By Star Sign: Not really a post so much as a point of discussion. I was sent this from Bedbible.com and, I have questions. Certain zodiac signs have traits and characteristics but I’m not sure that they can be linked to a sex toy. Firstly I don’t think they have any cultural basis […]
Spit or Swallow Etiquette

Spit or Swallow Etiquette It’s Sunday and I’m feeling somewhat philosophical. And so it’s time for the old age existential question: Spit or swallow? Etiquette in sex is a murky backwash through many implied rules. You need to keep up to date especially if you’re not much of a communicator during sex. But, I’m pleased […]
I don’t want to sit on your face

I don’t want to sit on your face! Here’s the thing: Most men suck at getting new sex. We know this because scrolling through dating apps reveals their frustrations. i.e. No Timewasters or Long conversations. By Long conversations they mean more than 2 messages. Serious applicants of NSA (No strings attached)only. Add to all that […]
The public train ride

When the sex train pulls in. Recently we’ve been celebrating 20 years since university which has meant a flurry of photos of a slimmer, more confident me. I know right? All that teenage angst and I never had to worry about what I ate or wore. EVERYTHING fit. But I digress The Boyfriend In one […]
Mr Marcus and the syphilis
I’ll keep it short and sweet. I’m angry. Porn as I know it has been compromised and no one messes with the sanctity of porn. BBC Pack Here’s the deal. There are a number of black male porn stars who, love them or hate them you’ve got to respect their prolific game. 5 off the […]
Sex Lies and Rinsing Guys

Sex Lies and Rinsing Guys. TV show on rinsing guys. Being self-employed is a pain in a recession and I’m always looking for ways of making money. I’ve already been offered the fabulous opportunity of sleeping with men for money by a guy I met at a networking event. Strangely over lunch he suggested that […]