7 ways to say NO to a date

The other day I was asked out by a guy who, to put it kindly, is so not my type. A smoking uncle dude with a pregnant for 5 month with twins belly, chronic health problems, bad teeth, 80s Bros-eque jeans and not a lot of personality isn’t what I want right now. You can […]

Digging Deep male gold digger

Dating is a glorious activity but, like all fairy tales with quests there are villains. So recently the question of gold diggers has come up: The Male gold digger. They exist! Remember Mel B’s ex? Not Stephen Belafonte the other one? No, the other one! Jimmy G the Dutch dancer? And the indomnitable ex of […]

Dear Santa 2016

Dear Santa, Me again. Yes I know I said that if you gave me a banging body, a phone that works and a better job that I wouldn’t ask you for anything else but, Santa, you’re killing me with the online dating? What’s the deal with all the duds on there? Are you not filtering […]

Street Wastemen Opportunitists

Street Wastemen Opportunitists Summer brings out all sorts of Street Wastement Opportunists so be on your guard my precious and hope they are just chatters and not grabbers. I didn’t bask in the sun today. Instead I waited until late then lazily walked up the bookstore hoping to get something lovely to read. On my […]

22.5 things I learned in 22.5 hours of hospital

Warning: Long post Rant Just to be clear there were 6 of us in a bays. Oncololgy Orla who had the only visitors and is married to Dickhead Derek; Pneumonia Norma who only revealed her condition as she was leaving and was useless with her iphone charger; Vertabrae Vera from the West Midlands; Gallbladder Gayle, […]

Work Woes – the final chapter

So yesterday we had a big meeting and work woes continue. Essentially it was a group of permanent people deciding on my temporary future. IS the project worth continuing or should we just accept that it was broken since its inception under the old regime and keep it moving. I was ambivalent. A month’s notice […]

The Saturday booty call clock

So over the years I’ve noticed a pattern to male behaviour on a Saturday. The sociologist in me has studied this further and my vague records show that there is indeed a pattern to football season booty calling. Alas many try to style it out with an early, ‘Hey Stranger? You good?’ but as most […]

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