The Bachelor

The Bachelor Another beast we choose to ignore in the hopes that he will change his spots. Alas my precious it is not always to be. Some men are confirmed bachelors. Happy and content somehow we women see this as a challenge. With us he will be different. We will be the ones to break […]

You know you’ve been Friend Zoned

So recently I was listening to yet another guy I thought I was getting to know talk about some woman he really liked but she was giving him mixed messages and what did I think it all meant when it hit me…..I’d been friend zoned yet again! Why does this happen to me? Apart from […]

The tool

The tool There are many useless appliances in my flat such as the hand held blender, 5 different heat stylers and the iron that barely get used. But I have never owned a power drill. I thought about buying one but when I looked in Argos they didn’t have any in pink and the others […]

The Crazy Wait

The Crazy Wait I recently got sent this text conversation (thanks @chicbeautyblog)  between a girl who had slept with a guy called Kevin and then texts him asking him out again. She then text stalked him as well as waiting outside his house to see him and…yes it got pretty crazy. I was in tears […]

The weak arse excuses list

So here is the thing; no matter how amazing you are (and you are amazing my precious) at some point you will be subjected to some or all of the excuses on this list. Yes all men have a list. Excuses they will use when they mess up or want to break up. These excuses […]

The male friend

Let me start with a disclaimer. I love most of my male friends. Some have known me for years and have seen me at my best and my worst. Sorry to the male friend whose couch I threw up on. They keep me sane, spoil me with gifts and are great for straight talking whenever […]

Mr. Twitter

I’m not one to be particular impressed by those who claim to be a fan of the blog. Now with social media being the accessible tool of our generation it’s easy to meet new people and form attachments. But in this life of interaction it’s rare to find someone you really connect to. Enter Mr […]

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