Why Women Shouldn’t Change Their Names

Why Women Shouldn’t Change Their Names Just come back from the Passport office (am I the ONLY person who didn’t know that the London office moved to Customs House? I almost went to Victoria but I digress) where I finally decided to reclaim my full name back after over a decade of divorce. I swear […]
Where to find Black Women in London

After the blog on finding Black Men in London it was time to do one on finding Black Women in London. As a Black Woman I think we are everywhere, but, apparently finding us is harder than we think? So this is for the Black Men looking for Black Women in London. Good luck and […]
The Truth about Trauma Bombing

The truth about trauma bombing and why I’m writing about it. So the other night I went out. I happened to sit with a group where one guy decided to talk AT us. He told us about how he’d been diagnosed with autism during the pandemic, had an abusive family especially his mother. He had […]
5 Ways to Just Sex

Chatting to a guy t’other day and he described wanting Love and Sex as two different, distinct things. And that makes sense? Sometimes you don’t want a whole emotional relationship; you just want to get off and get on with your life. You’re busy. You’ve got things to do but, that porn is getting yawnsome […]
The 40s FuckIt List

Welcome to the 40s Fuckit List. A bucketlist for all of the things you need to fuck and then let go of as you navigate your 40s The Fuck-It List for Dating in Your 40s Ah, your 40s. The decade where your tolerance for nonsense plummets faster than your metabolism after 30. And honestly? Thank […]
Seven signs of Cheating

Seven signs of cheating Cheating is back! This is for those who are in a relationship and their spidey senses are telling them that all isn’t well in their relationships. This is a quick blog on seven signs of cheating. There are others and there are ways to gather evidence which we’ll look at next […]
Why Money and Dating don’t mix

Beliefs This is part 3 of Money and Dating. Let’s be honest. Money is still the main reason for breakups. That and cheating. From who pays on the first date to how much to spend on travel it’s a hard balance. So it’s imperative that you understand or know what the other person’s money beliefs […]