Olympic Opening Ceremony

Before I tell you about the Judge I had to make a quick comment about the opening ceremony. Apart from James Bond and the Queen jumping out of a helicopter I just thought, someone is going to get fired. It was pitiful. You know it’s bad when they’ve got children jumping on the bed and […]
Jewel Bar part 2

So our new semi friend Leonardo was about to leave when he realised that he had lost his phone. We looked on the table but it wasn’t there. I suggested that he asked the tequila soliciting chick he had been chatting to for ages. She looked like she might have taken it just to get […]
Jewel Bar part 1

So last night I organised an event at Jewel Bar Covent Garden. I really should have known that it was going to be fraught with issues because; a) It’s in the West End on a Friday b) The woman was uber excited about Charlie from Kiss FM playing there. Who? The breakfast show she explained […]
The Hashtag

H is for Hashtag Today I’m going on one of those courses that are good for work but are boring as all hell. Lean project management. Just writing it brings me out in chills. I’ve got 2 twix to see me through and am going to fortify with a McDonalds breakfast on my way. These […]
The Recruitment Consultant

The recruitment consultant So I know I fucked up. I just didn’t think a decision I made over 4 years ago would have such far reaching repercussions. I better start at the beginning. There’s this recruitment consultant who I’ve never met and who sends me the odd job specification to look over before disappearing for […]
F is for the Friend Request

I’ll keep this one short and sweet as I have to go and eat. Now, I know that Friend Requests are usually something that we reserve for…friends but there are some friend requests that I absolutely hate. Behold! My friend request rant of the day The LOL So you and I were on the same […]
A Marital Affair?

After my escapades last week on Tagged I realised that visual and status honesty are important to me. Yes indeed I’m a slightly slutty romantic who wants to know that when you say you’re 5’10 I won’t be tucking you into a high chair at the ‘I enjoy fine dining’ (aka Nandos) date. In my […]