Mr Drive-by

So earlier this year I was working at a place where I suspected a guy liked me. I wasn’t sure if I felt the same way. A few things. For someone who is always half a stone over her ideal weight I’m the worst sort of hypocrite: a bit of a fattist. I just can’t […]

The Bachelor

The Bachelor Another beast we choose to ignore in the hopes that he will change his spots. Alas my precious it is not always to be. Some men are confirmed bachelors. Happy and content somehow we women see this as a challenge. With us he will be different. We will be the ones to break […]

Ladies and Gentlemen!

A-Sexy : A for Announcements Anticipation is a wonderful thing. I was once out with my then boyfie and something must have got him in the mood because he suddenly said “I’m going to F*ck you so hard when we get home, you’ll have to take tomorrow off.” Suddenly he had my full attention. To […]

The weak arse excuses list

So here is the thing; no matter how amazing you are (and you are amazing my precious) at some point you will be subjected to some or all of the excuses on this list. Yes all men have a list. Excuses they will use when they mess up or want to break up. These excuses […]

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