Photo faux pas part 3

F is for Photo Faux pas part 3 So here is the thing. I know that the photo is our brand and calling card and so with this photo we want to say all of the things we can’t put into words. Some people’s photos say I want you to shag me baby (aka the […]
Photo faux pas part 1

Apologies this seems to have duplicated as part 2 F is for the photo faux pas OK so I’m not the most visual of people but even I know the importance of a photo when it comes to online dating. I tend to go for three. The head shot, the body shot and the I […]
Dating photo faux pas part 2

F is for photo faux pas The better looking friends I can’t say this often enough. Know your dating value and know where you fit in with your group of friends especially visually. I know that I’m the personality loud mouth that chats to everyone. That’s my role. Therefore you will never see a photo […]
Tagged – an internet dating solution?

Tagged So last night I was out at a winetasting event which, for someone who hates wines wasn’t awful. I knew immediately that the awful South Ridge vintage was going to be my downfall and yes I woke up this morning with a mild regret headache. England is not synonymous with wine. Just bad weather […]
F is for Fatigue

F is for fatigue Some years of post-divorce dating later and I can honestly say that I have a condition. It’s not ABW (Angry Black Woman) syndrome or bitterness. Dating fatigue is a real thing they just don’t offer help for on the NHS yet (watch this space my precious, when we have the energy […]
12 more reasons you’re single

So I posted 12 reasons earlier and I’ve been getting more from you guys all day so here are the next 12. No need to thank me. My pleasure: You’re waiting until you’ve lost weight – sweetie, a 12 year long diet might suggest that it’s not really working? Time to try something else. You’re […]
12 reasons why you’re single

So as you know this is one of the most annoying questions I hear. I’m single, how am I supposed to know why you are in the same predicament? sometimes it’s really evident yes but when relative strangers ask you this it becomes a tad annoying. Best you go out and ask your “successful” friends […]