Stupid Questions men ask part 1

I know that dating can be nerve wracking for some people. I don’t know why as at the end of the day you should be more worried that they impress you than whether or not you impress them but then, this is coming from the queen of first dates. I can do them in my […]

The Butt kick

So there was a time my precious when I couldn’t get a date for love nor money. Separation agreed I still needed to ‘get back out there’ as everyone put it and start the bloody dance of the terrible one liners But back out where? The dating scene had changed beyond my recognition. I, like […]

The Wanker

I have met some interesting characters. Some cute others weird and some so scary that I have their details in a file called Missing in case I ever go missing. Please my precious review this file carefully and submit to the appropriate authorities if ever you lose me. One of these characters was a guy […]

5 reasons NOT to get into a relationship

Don’t get me wrong my precious I love being single but sometimes I question the reasons I have for getting into one. So here are my reasons for NOT getting into a relationship ….despite pressure from your mother. 1)      Because you feel sorry for him The pitiful man who tells you his whole sad life […]

My first (sex) date

Tired of internet dating in my search for Fubo (future boyfriend) I figured why not take a time out and try out these adult sites. So I signed up and was astounded by the response. Unlike I got loads of interest. Apparently not only were there few women on there but few black women […]

The dog whisperer

There are guys that play the online dating game with finesse. And then there are those that go for women who haven’t got a clue. I think he was the latter. I was fairly new to internet dating when I met him. He set himself apart by waxing lyrical about great writers I remembered from […]

Watford Gap

I wasn’t going to write about this one but then he spotted some of my posts on Facebook and insisted that I didn’t write about him. So I’m  promptly ignoring him I met him on one of those chatty chatty sex sites where everyone calls you babe and tells you how horny they are. They […]

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