Mr surprise

Mr Surprise August! The sun is out and I’m walking back from Queen Esther’s spa Brixton feeling lovely and toasty Suddenly I feel a flutter on my shoulder and it’s a dude on a bicycle. On the pavement! (pet peeve) who looks like he only had the training wheels off this morning. He’s really struggling […]

Out of the blue?

So as most of you know I’ve been visiting towns and cities in the UK gigging. Mike and the Mechanics’s Out of the Blue comes out next Friday and I really love that song. It’s basically about love finding you instead of you searching for it? It resonates in a 90s, passive, do we really […]

The Grey Sweats

The other day I was minding my own business in Battersea when a dude on a bike came over to chat to me. At first I didn’t notice the grey sweats as I was distracted by his mum’s bike with a basket. I mean, this wasn’t the coolest bike I’d ever seen but the confidence, […]

The Wingman?

A friend wrote to me yesterday offering me a date with one of his friends. I mean, I realise that I’m lucky enough to have a lot of male friends who want me to find love. Awwwww. Yes they are my global wingmen. The wingman not in the club but in my life urging me […]

The day time creep

#RandomRant Home safe and sound and I don’t think I’m going to bother going out again today. It’s pretty exhausting out there. Women are always told to beware of being out there at night time because that’s when the bad men come out to harass us. Always strangers never men we know of course because […]

Men and public creeping

Men and public creeping. We need to talk about men and public creeping which is creepy behaviour to strangers in public. It’s not illegal, it’s just annoying and scary. Sadly it has become the norm.    Guys who stare at you in public think they’re being dark and broody. It’s the beginning of a Hollywood […]

The Network Nuisance

The Network Nuisance  So networking is a massive part of our everyday. We go, we meet new people, we connect and then, years later we may even do business. Socially it works too especially if you are new to a city or you want to meet people who share your interests. Cute! But some people […]

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