the marriage debate

So I’ve figured it out. It’s only taken me 30 years – yeah I’m 30 this week. Who knows what age I will be next week. Anyway I digress. Back in the olden days marriage was a great business arrangement between the middle and upper classes and financial survival for those that weren’t. Good times. […]

Wedding expo blues

Wedding Expo She’s getting married. She’s 4 years younger than me. I’m not jealous. I’m happy for her. OK I’m a bit peeved that she’s getting married and I’m struggling to make it to the tricky second date. But to be honest that’s not my main concern. My main concern is that I’m expected to […]

The proposal The timing

It’s 29th of February so women are supposed to propose to the guy? Erm, not during a #datingrecession. Women are not about to buck tradition and get down on one rickety knee and I’ll tell you why…’s not our job to say when. That’s really the only thing you will ever have a say in […]

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