Where to find Black Women in London

After the blog on finding Black Men in London it was time to do one on finding Black Women in London. As a Black Woman I think we are everywhere, but, apparently finding us is harder than we think? So this is for the Black Men looking for Black Women in London. Good luck and […]
The Truth about Trauma Bombing

The truth about trauma bombing and why I’m writing about it. So the other night I went out. I happened to sit with a group where one guy decided to talk AT us. He told us about how he’d been diagnosed with autism during the pandemic, had an abusive family especially his mother. He had […]
5 Ways to Just Sex

Chatting to a guy t’other day and he described wanting Love and Sex as two different, distinct things. And that makes sense? Sometimes you don’t want a whole emotional relationship; you just want to get off and get on with your life. You’re busy. You’ve got things to do but, that porn is getting yawnsome […]
5 football ways to find a man

5 football ways to find a man: This is the first in a series on Finding a Man because, apparently they are lost or have disappeared. We are starting with the current topic of the World Cup and football. There is an old, not so sage saying about finding someone with similar interests to you. […]