The Writing Challenge

Dear Fellow Writers / Newbies/ Wannabes and those that just saw challenge and thought, why the hell not,

This isn’t a competition. This is an attempt to get us all writing more and in a more focused fashion. So maybe it’s a competition with yourself.

As a student a long long long time ago I had the privilege of working with Nadine Gordimer, a South gordimerAfrican Nobel Prize winning writer. She had a system in which she treated writing as a job. She kept office hours and broke for an hour for lunch. I on the other hand have fleeting moments of inspiration, normally at 2.34 am when the lights are off and I can’t find paper or pen.  I then promptly forget them and refuse to write until the inspiration takes me which isn’t often enough to be deemed a writer.

So what we want to do is change this and make writing something we can do. With purpose. With focus. We are all working on different things from a graphic novel to the great American sci-fi movie to a how to book to blogging. Whatever you choose to do I ask that you give this at least an hour a day broken up into 3 20 minute slots and learn to write with purpose.

Shit, I’m already behind with drafting Chapter 1 because I’m now watching Mystery Men clips. I’m also thinking about my theme song….yeah this is what I mean about getting easily distracted. Waffle Woman!! mystery men


© Chelsea Black

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