Patience – a 5 minute poem
No this isn’t about a favourite song from Take That
Oh another poem about me fighting the fat
Patience is a virtue I never understood
Apparently you need to possess it to be deemed to be good?
But all my life I have only ever wanted to be bad
To drink, to fuck , to test lady luck and just be like a lad
But for this man…..I must wait
I will wait for him to lead me in this dance we call dating
It pains me to do so but I see the plus in waiting
See, you know the steps to being in love with you
You know how fast and slow we’re going to move.
I only know that I’m ready and wearing my favourite heels
All in the vain hope that one day you’ll kneel
So I’m letting go and letting you lead
I’m giving you all the space you purport to need
But know that whilst I exercise patience as a new skill
I am duty bound to seek other thrills
I know you understand
Too many fine men in this fair land.
© Chelsea Black