The Blood wolf moon came and went without the world ending. I was ready for the Apocalypse and had stock piled (by this I meant the snack cupboard was 85% full) Monday Bloody Monday

I read that this kind of super mean signifies a new beginning and deciding what you want to take into the new year and what you want to leave behind. I do love a cleanse. It also coincides with the lowest Monday of the year. Mondays bloody Mondays!
I thought about the joyous world of dating and made a list of things I wouldn’t want to bring into the new year. People can we let go of this bullshit please?
We are tired of dates or conversations which end abruptly because you aren’t interested or can’t balance talking to more than one person at a time. We are adults. Just say you’re not interested. Don’t ghost and then reappear in the DMS when you’re bored and then disappear again. It’s really boring and I don’t want to change my number just to thwart you. A complete ghost is exhausting as one is left wandering how they failed the interview? Is it because you told one too many age-related jokes? Or you didn’t invite them in for a night cap. You’ll never know. But worse is the tagging ghost who keeps coming back to haunt you. Let this go with the bloody moon please.
For some reason wastemen are not deemed too dangerous and therefore there is something somewhat endearing about them. Yes they haven’t got their dating shit together but somehow this is forgivable because, who really does have their shit together? The other person. That’s how. Some of us aren’t in a perpetual state of not having our shit together. We are ok. So why must we put up with those that can’t date consistently. Time for them to go!
Sneaky messaging
Stop being a boredom blocker. Let them feel the boredom and not use your wit and humour to alleviate it.
Can we pick up the phone please? I don’t want to get repetitive thumb strain from ongoing whatsapps and DMs. Also, it’s sneaky. So, nobody knows that you are engaging with the other person and it’s all innuendos and hush flirts which can be denied later when your girlfriend turns up pregnant. So yeah let’s stop with the fake communication through texts etc. It’s so 2018
Last night I tried to stay up to see the Blood Wolf Moon. I did everything right from eating sugar to napping during the day. I was prepared and doing really well but, typically I fell asleep 15 minutes too soon. So close!
So get ready to leave behind all of the shit you don’t want to deal with and enjoy the year head . Happy Super Bloody Wolf Moon Day Y’all.
© Chelsea Black 2019