My friend called me up for our annual no birthday catch up and I boldly told her that Brexit has fucked up dating for me. She tried to sound sympathetic but admitted that she had just had a 2nd date with someone she met 3 years ago so technically she isn’t in the dating recession pool.
Yes we are in a dating recession. How did this happen you ask?
As Theresa May spectacularly lost the vote this week (but still insists on trying to force us to accept that Brexit is happening and it’s not as dire as we all think), I started to really think about how Brexit fucked up. Yes, basic tasks like borrowing money has become harder as everyone awaits the next circus trick that has become the House of Commons . I work in an industry driven by an immigrant work force but, what about my personal life or lack thereof? I haven’t dated regularly since 2016.
Cash Flow
Most people don’t like spending money when they’re not sure if their job will be there in a month. This and the cost of eating out has become a joke. Without alcohol a chain restaurant meal can cost you £100 easily. How often do you want to be doing that a month? (I see Nandos hasn’t struggled during these times of austerity mind you)
There are cheaper ways to date and the right person (you) will come up with inexpensive dating options. That doesn’t mean Netflix and Chill. Side note – Can men stop with the at home first date please? Safety first !
Leaving London
London is a transient city and many people are just passing through Just after Brexit I dated guys who were leaving the UK entirely for France , Africa or one was going up North. That vague place where wives / girlfriends live I suspect. What this does is further shrink the potential dating market. Who is left? Mainly those who can’t leave or won’t leave you alone.
App is cheap
Between better angled selfies and the recognition that apps mean you can virtually date more people at once without having to spend money the dating apps has killed traditional dating. I think the objective is that by the time you meet up you can skip all the wining and dining.
What people forget is that, catfish aside, dating is fun. You do new things and meet people you wouldn’t met in your everyday life. So why ruin it with misunderstood shorthand and poor profiles?
Political politeness
What worked well for Britain for so long was polite conversation about the weather and the latest BBC commissioned period drama. Alas, now we have programmes like Nakd Attraction and, Brexit opened up conversations on politics. It’s hard dating Millwall or Chelsea fans but this? This is near impossible. I couldn’t date someone who voted Leave and claims he did it to keep the immigrants out even though he has a strong Caribbean accent. (true story)
Brexit has effed it up for us in more ways than one. My solution? We all go to sleep on March 29th and wake up in the shower Bobby Ewing style and pretend it was all one big, bad dream.
© Chelsea Black 2019