Ok so I went along to see ‘Good Dog’ by Arinze Kene because it was on my way back from the Plantation and my friend was helping with the PR (Ariatu PR). What I had neglected to notice was that this was a monologue play. The only thing worse for me is spoken word. I had to calm myself. It was hard at first as the character talked fast and I found my mind wondering until I engaged with each of the characters.

The story is set against the backdrop of the struggles before the riots last decade. The internal battles faced by several characters as told by the actor and some voices. A black boy who decides to be good because good wins right? But then….maybe being good isn’t the answer?

I was surprised by how many subjects it touched on from infidelity, beauty in the black community, bullying, education, child carers, shoplifting, immigration, alcoholism, drugs, gangs etc. It was well told and by the second act you had forgotten it was a monologue for those who, like me struggle with the concept.

Arinze Kene
Writer Arinze Kene

It was well attended (black people, we don’t have to be comedians in the audience I beg. Yes I know sex can be uncomfortable for the more repressed but, let’s stop with the heckling?)  and I hear it’s going to be hitting RSA and Bernie Grants so definitely worth the watch.  If this is a peek at the direction black British theatre is going then I’m here for it.  It’s real, it doesn’t hold back and I would definitely recommend it.

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