Santa didn’t get a Christmas wishlist last year. I decided that despite my best efforts (I’ve written that dude poems and prayers to no avail) that I may have to take matters into my own hands. No more relying on Santa. I’m going to depend on me. So for those that follow know that I’ve been using this hashtag for a few months leading up to 2014. Why? Because my precious 2014 is the year for fabulosity! Making the fabulous happen for yourself.
Now, I know I said that in 2011, 2012 and 2013 but this year, this year, I FEEL it. People who have struggled with their weight or fitness are suddenly just getting on with it. Babies and pregnancies are everywhere, businesses are beginning to boom or blossom. Yes there is something different in the air and we are only 13 days in. Gyms will get emptier and finally you’ll be able to grab a decent mat in Bikram again.
So what can you expect to see this year from yours truly?
I’m working on a second book and rewriting the first. I’m working with a book coach which really helps focus you on what to write so fingers crossed that will be out before my Taurus birthday. They’ll be more to follow soon as I’ll be blogging on topics in the book. Book writing is totally different to blogging and as you all know I have a tendency to get …..distracted? But no, the trick second book will be done.
For now I’m back on the 30 blogs in 30 days. I’ll be digging deep into the dating archives for tales of woe and waste men. Don’t worry, I’ve still got a bundle of them that keep rearing their numpty heads.
The radio show is coming back! Yes there will be more of us on air soon. It’s going to be more about love and life on a different radio station. So that means loads of gossip, dating, motivation etc. Don’t worry, I’ll be putting you all on blast when it’s about to go live.
I’ve been set a dating challenge. 1 date a month. Apparently this is the year in which I HAVE to meet my FuHu (Future Husband) according to Mama Black and well meaning friends. But, it’s half way through the month and there is not a prospect in sight. I’m going to have to accept that if nothing else this may be the one that has a slow start with a plethora of dating activity after Valentine’s day?Maybe it’s a Venus retrograde thing….
Or maybe it’s me. Some may call it high standards but I just call it standards. I can’t have another year of dating disasters. Even I have a threshold and enough is enough. So if you know of anyone decent my precious, inbox me.
That’s it for now. Wishing you all a fabulosity year ahead and may all of those dreams and resolutions come true
© Chelsea Black