Dating Whilst Dieting: Fam, it’s the New Year and I lied to myself about dieting again. Yes, yes, it’s supposedly a time for new beginnings, fresh starts, and—if you’re anything like me—grandiose resolutions made after one too many glasses of prosecco. It’s the season where gym memberships soar, the office biscuit tin is ignored (briefly), and everyone is convinced that this will be the year they become the best version of themselves. For many, that means dieting. And for others, it means dating. But what happens when you try to do both at once? Spoiler: it’s not compatible.

But don’t worry, friend. I’ve got you covered with some dos and don’ts for dating whilst dieting. Because while losing pounds and gaining love might sound like a dream, it requires finesse, honesty, and—most importantly—a sense of humor.

Do: Be Honest (But Not Too Honest)

Let’s start with the big one: honesty. If you’re on a date and they suggest sharing some wings or a plate of jollof rice, it’s okay to say, “Actually, I’m trying to eat a bit healthier.” You’re not committing a crime by having goals. But—and this is a big but—don’t turn the date into a sermon about why you’re not touching the mac and cheese. Your date is here to get to know you, not your meal plan. Keep it light and breezy, like, “I’m trying this new thing where I don’t eat my weight in plantain every day.” Relatable, charming, and no one feels awkward ordering fries.

Don’t: Pick a Trendy Diet to Impress Them

Keto, juice cleanses, alkaline… There are more diets out there than there are TikTok trends, and some people treat their food choices like a cultural movement. But here’s the thing: if you’re only doing it to impress your date, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Imagine swiping right on someone who proudly declares their love for peppered fish, only to awkwardly sip on celery juice because you decided to go raw vegan that week. Be yourself! Eat how you want to eat. If you’re vibing with someone, they’ll appreciate your authenticity more than your ability to count calories.

Do: Plan Dates That Aren’t Food-Centric

Why is it that every first date seems to revolve around food or drinks? Dinner, coffee, cocktails… it’s all a bit predictable, isn’t it? If you’re trying to stick to a diet, consider suggesting an activity-based date instead. A walk through the local market (so much culture and vibes), a dance class (Afrobeats, anyone?), or even hitting up a spoken word night can take the pressure off food and allow you to focus on getting to know each other. Plus, you’ll have something to talk about besides your mutual love of suya.

Don’t: Be a Food Martyr

We’ve all been there: you’re out with someone new, and they’re tucking into a plate of curry goat while you’re nibbling on a kale leaf, trying to look unbothered. But deep down, you’re fuming. Here’s the thing: no one is going to hand you a medal for eating ‘perfectly’ on a date. If you’re craving something indulgent, have it. One meal isn’t going to undo your entire plan. What will ruin your night is sitting there resentfully while your date enjoys their meal guilt-free. Balance, friend. It’s all about balance.

Do: Celebrate Small Wins

Dating whilst dieting isn’t just about the food; it’s also about how you feel. If you’ve stuck to your goals, planned a fun date, or managed to navigate a menu without panic-Googling every dish, give yourself credit. Confidence is the ultimate attractive quality, and if you’re proud of your progress, it will show. Plus, if the date goes well, you’ve got a built-in cheerleader to support you along the way.

Don’t: Forget to Enjoy Yourself

At the end of the day, dating is supposed to be fun. Yes, you’ve got goals, and yes, you want to stick to them, but don’t let it suck the joy out of meeting new people. The best dates are the ones where you’re fully present, laughing, and not stressing about whether the stew has too much oil. Life is too short, and love is too precious to waste on calorie-counting anxiety. So order the dessert, sip the wine, and let yourself have a good time.

A Word on Resolution Season Pressure

Lastly, can we take a moment to acknowledge the absolute nonsense that is the pressure to transform yourself every January? Sure, self-improvement is great, but it’s also okay to be exactly who you are. If your New Year’s resolution involves a little self-care, that’s fabulous. But don’t let it make you feel like you’re not already worthy of love and happiness. You’re a whole snack, diet or no diet.

So there you have it: the dos and don’ts of dating whilst dieting. Will it always be smooth sailing? Probably not. But with a little planning, a pinch of honesty, and a generous serving of self-confidence, you’ll navigate it like a pro. Here’s to a year of delicious dates and even better stories. Cheers!

© Chelsea Black ® 2025

Dating Whilst Dieting
Dating whilst dieting
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