Sparkle advanced screening – Sparkless

Sparkle review – the event OK so now that we are done with the movie I need to take a brief minute to talk about the event. It was an advance screening of the movie Sparkle and as you know as a Whitney fan I wasn’t going to miss that. I had to go to […]
Sparkle Movie Review

Sparkle There are two parts to this review. The film and the advanced screening event. I’m going to start with the film. The story line wasn’t too shocking. Sister group in the 60s making it when their Christian mother is opposed to it after her own failed attempts at making it. You have 3 sisters […]
The Nigerian entertainment and lifestyle awards

OK I have to start by declaring that I’m not Nigerian. Therefore perhaps these sorts of events are the norm and I’m the one imposing some stupid Western standards onto an African event. That said they said they wanted to compete and be better than Hollywood. That’s a bold statement. So I was expecting Hollywood […]
London Fashion Week

London Fashion Week I was privileged enough to score a ticket to LFW last minute yesterday . I had never been and to be honest I had never really thought of going. Don’t ask me why but the thought of watching skinny people while I try to sneak a Haribo out of my bag just […]
L is for Last minute play

L is for Last minute play So on Saturday Imperial Wharf had their Jazz festival. It was great with the highlights being YolanDa Brown and Omar. I think this is the 3rd time I’ve seen him this year. Yeah, the tricky Gary Barlow-esque comeback Anyway I would like to start by explaining where Imperial Wharf […]
Kevin Hart London part 2

Kevin Hart the tricky 2nd time So I’ve just come back from the Kevin Hart. Alas, no after party for this chick. The crowd were generally way too young for me to even bother trying to wangle a free one off of anyone. After sitting next to some smelly boys (yes I felt like I […]
All roads lead to Kevin Hart
So I scored a free ticket for tonight’s Kevin Hart. Yes I know it’s greedy of me as I saw him last year but my friend’s wife turned up for the weekend and ….yep, he chose sex over laughing about sex. Wise man. Let’s be clear I’ve sort of stopped going to see American comedians […]