Where to Find Black Men in London Part 2
Where to Find Black Men in London Part 2 Looking for your Santa? The old age question when you are committed to Black Love is, “Where to Find Black Men in London?” Dating December means there are hella events to choose from. We’ve already covered the Christmas Party but alcohol can be a deceiver so […]
Dress for Christmas Party Success
A lot of women meet their partners at work or work dos. Don’t just think about that annoying dude in IT or Procurement. Think the bar, club, restaurant you will be in. So transitioning from the office to a night out for a Christmas party can be both exciting and draining. Most of us like […]
Dating December and Breadcrumbing
Dating December and Breadcrumbing: The commitment phobes’ favourite torture tool . This is part of the Dating December Series. The time when you are most likely to meet someone and start dating. Another day, another dating trend sent to torment us all. Welcome to the world of breadcrumbing. It’s not as delicious as it sounds, […]
7 Signs You Are Sex-Depressed
7 Signs You Are Sex-Depressed Ah, sex. The three-letter word that makes the world go round… or at least keeps it spinning on something. But what happens when you’re stuck in neutral? It’s normal to take a break after a breakup but, how long is too long. Why are you struggling to get in the […]
Why Women Shouldn’t Change Their Names
Why Women Shouldn’t Change Their Names Just come back from the Passport office (am I the ONLY person who didn’t know that the London office moved to Customs House? I almost went to Victoria but I digress) where I finally decided to reclaim my full name back after over a decade of divorce. I swear […]
Why African Polygamy Doesn’t Work in the UK
Why African Polygamy Doesn’t Work in the UK: A Culture Clash Too Big to Handle Yesterday I was at the Black Business Show representing Coffee Matches and a dude came up talking about he wanted 3 wives all living in their own homes who would have him for 2 days a week. Apart from being […]
Women making the first move
How to make the first move – a wily woman’s guide You’ve heard it all before: “Let the man take the lead,” “Don’t come on too strong,” or my personal favorite, “Men don’t like masculine women” Really? In 2024? It’s high time we retire these outdated notions. Podcast bros and their insecurity shouldn’t put you […]