Supermarket Panic is Back

So I watched with a somewhat wry amusement at the panic buying of petrol in London. I don’t have a car and don’t go anywhere so, boom, I’m fine. I don’t even order take out so I wouldn’t be affected. Not like the Nandos chicken crisis of 2021 or the toilet paper / pasta bulk […]

The Wasteman Resurrection

So this is a Baking Diairies and a Wasteman woes of old. When an ex crosses your present path. To recap: It’s 8pm on the last day of the long weekend and I’ve promised Slave Owner cakes. He wants healthy to go with his never decreasing waistline so I’ve done banana bread and carrot cake […]

Stop moaning Theo Walcott

Stop moaning Theo Walcott So this morning I wake up and twitter isn’t saying much so I decide to see what’s trending. And out pops Theo Walcott. I won’t lie my precious. He’s not my cuppa. Good footballer but he needs to grow some balls first. Or some facial hair. He’s too damn pretty. Apparently […]

The Black Body Beautiful Updated

To read the first piece done written last June please click here! UPDATE: So I wrote this last June and I never got a call back. I don’t think the last time the photographer saw me he thought he could photoshop out Maxine Saj, my Budda Belly. She’s a fighter bless her, I’ll give her […]

My Bra bubble burst

A-Sexy B is for Bra So for a long time I lived a lie. I thought I was a 34B and happily went around telling people that I was the average size for women. I don’t know why this was so important but I think  too much Just 17, Mizz,  More and girl’s only schools […]

Running in heels

Sometimes we go through things that teach us lessons and remind us of who our friends are. If you haven’t already read the male friend I suggest you have a quick squizz. Mine came 2 years ago after the Whitney Houston concert. Already low I listened to my ipod humming badly to Bobby Mcferrin’s  ‘Common […]

The Lashes Date

So the Monday morning after a hectic weekend of socialising and networking I get a text message: [Hey Buddy how’s it going?] BUDDY!?! I asked who it was and he asked if I didn’t remember our passionate kiss at the bar on Friday? Hmmm, I put my thinking cap on, searched through my phone photos […]

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